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Bike Thief Apprehended by Good Samaritans in Pattaya
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Skrevet d. 04-02-2024 15:49
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Bike Thief Apprehended by Good Samaritans in Pattaya After Stealing Electric Bike from Australian Man

At 12:30 PM, on February 2nd, 2024, Pattaya City police received a report that a bike thief was captured by good citizens at Chonburi Provincial Immigration Office, Bang Lamung, Chonburi.

The police were dispatched to the incident scene and found a group of locals captured a homeless person, publicly identified only as Mr. Suthiphong, 31, who allegedly stole an electric bike from Mr. Terry Rasmussen, a 79-year-old Australian.

Read more att: https://thepattay...alian-man/
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