Antal indlæg: 1883 Tilmeldt: 23.10.09 Status: Offline
Taxi fares 'start at ฿75'
A taxi driver told a Japanese passenger travelling from Suvarnabhumi airport that the flagfall had officially increased from 35 baht to 75 baht because of rising fuel prices
Antal indlæg: 1773 Tilmeldt: 11.09.09 Status: Offline
den stakles fattige taxi chauffør ville ikke snyde, han var bare træt, så det var en misforståelse
Didn't 'intend' to cheat
The taxi driver captured on video doubling his starting fare claims he didn't intend to cheat his Japanese passenger, but was very fatigued http://www.bangko...-passengerIsan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ...
Antal indlæg: 1773 Tilmeldt: 11.09.09 Status: Offline
godmorgen eller godnat op to your som pigerne siger
Taxi chaufføren fik en bøde og mistede retten til at samle kunder op i lufthavnen
Cheating taxi driver fined B3,000
Udon Sasanasupin, 61, met inspectors at 6am. He paid a 3,000-baht fine, was reprimanded and ordered never to service passengers at the airport again. Authorities also warned him not to repeat his offence or he would lose his taxi-driver's licence.
http://www.bangko...ined-b3000 Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ...